Terms and Conditions

By submitting your application, you bind yourself to these terms and conditions.

  1. Applications: Completed applications in English will be received via e-mail on reservations@NSTS.org or online on www.NSTSmalta.org at the latest:

    i. English Language Learning: 4 weeks before the selected arrival date if part of a group or arriving between 14 June and 30 August, or 2 weeks if an individual arriving outside this period;

    ii.Study Abroad: 21 weeks (5 months) before the selected arrival date, including including CV, motivation letter, and virtual contact address for online introductory meeting. Registration follows the outcome of the meeting;

     iii. Internship: 10 weeks before the selected arrival date, including CV, motivation letter, and virtual contact address for online in- troductory meeting;

 2.  Application documentation: Applications on the prescribed form must: (i) give the applicant’s name, surname, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number and expiry date, special needs, and allergies, (ii) be accompanied by a pass- port size colour photograph, or one pays €15 to be pho- tographed on arrival in Malta, and (iii) explicitly state the selected educational programme, and if applicable, accom- modation reference and number displayed on the pricelist. 

Groups mation must complete Form obtained the Group Essential Information form obtained from reservations@NSTS.org.

Study Abroad applicants must include €60 for the online in- troductory meeting which forms part of the application pro- cess before registering may be accepted on the programme.

Internship applicants must sign and abide by the applicable con- ditions of acceptance available online prior to being accepted.

3.  Confirmation and Payment: Provisional confirmation together with a pro-forma invoice are sent immediately upon the receipt of the complete, correct, application documentation. Full payment must follow by bank transfer direct to APS Bank p.l.c. Malta, IBAN MT74 APSB 7717 2000 6515 10 6515 400 10 NSTS to be received by the requested date well before arrival, but at the latest:

  1. English Language Learning: 3 weeks before the selected arriv- al date if part of a group or arriving between 14 June and 30 August, or 2weeks if an individual arriving outside this period;

  2. Study Abroad: 6 weeks before the selected arrival date;

  3. Internship: 4 weeks before the selected arrival date;

Adults, 18 years and older, booking accommodation must pay the environmental tax of up to €5.00 which is added to the pro-forma invoice.

4.  Validation of applications: Provisionally confirmed applications are only validated and have effect upon the receipt of the full pay- ment before the due date, failing which they are automatically cancelled without liability to NSTS Malta.

5.  Changes: made to a processed application are subject to a fee of:

 i. €50 if received from 15 to 6 days inclusive before the arrival date;

 ii.€250 if received 5 days or less before the arrival date.

6. Cancellations and curtailments: made to a processed application are subject to a fee of:

 i. €250 if received from 15 to 6 days inclusive of the arrival date.

 ii. Full payment with no refund if received 5 days or less before the arrival date, or if a ‘no show’, or if any part or all the services are not utilised.

7.  Delivery: Fees include all that specified and incorporated in the applied for service as described in the brochure document and website, and NSTS Malta is not liable for that not contained there- in. NSTS Malta reserves the right to alter any service, description, and fee without prior notice and to provide substitute services of at least comparable standard and contents to those definitively confirmed.

8.  Acceptance of Minors: Applicants under 18 years of age are legally deemed to be minors and require their Parent/Guardi- an consent form and surety deposit. Applications must be, and are therefore deemed to be, endorsed by the applicant’s parent/ legal guardian who simultaneously retains full responsibility for their protégé’s acts and/or omissions throughout the latter’s con- firmed stay in Malta, exonerating NSTS Malta from all faults, legal liability, and damages. Applications through agents are deemed to be equally endorsed by virtue of the agent’s own transmission of the application.

9.  Conduct of Minors: The conduct of a confirmed minor applicant is governed by a Student Charter that is available upon request. Among other conditions the Charter governs good behaviour, applied discipline and prohibitions, unaccompanied outings, evening return times, damages, misdeeds, and the payment of an appropriate, conditionally refundable surety deposit upon arrival at check-in if accommodated at an NSTS Malta collective resi- dence or hotel.

10.  Code of Conduct: Applicants implicitly accept that NSTS Mal- ta may, without being liable in any manner whatsoever, exclude them from a service applied for or being consumed, and demand their repatriation at their charge, if, in the opinion of Management, their behaviour is of disturbance to others or they appear likely to endanger or impair the health, safety, or comfort of other persons using the concurrent services, or the reputation of NSTS Malta by their acts or omissions.

11.  Public Holidays: All educational programmes will not be avail- able on the following public holidays: 01 January, 10 February, 19 March, 31 March, Good Friday, 01 May, 07 June, 29 June, 15 Au- gust, 08 September, 21 September, 8 December, 13 December, 25 December, 26 December and no refund will be given. Missed English lessons will be made up for during other days of the week except for group lessons falling on 29 June and 15 August.

12.  Visa: The applicant is solely responsible to provide on demand a valid identity document, passport, and entry visa and, if stay- ing for more than 90 days and has not obtained for the applied residence visa, to extend the authorisation to remain in Malta by applying, within 2 weeks of arrival to Identity Malta, for a national visa or temporary residence permit to cover the entire duration of the confirmed educational programme for up to one year.

13.  Data Protection: By applying, the applicant consents and author- ises NSTS Malta to process any personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union and to transfer/disclose such data within NSTS Malta and to suppliers as deemed necessary for the provision of the services applied for, and for the purposes associated thereto.

14.  Imaging: The applicant consents to being photographed, filmed, videoed, sound recorded, sketched, to have testimonials and comments, for use, and used, for promotional purposes, and to receive marketing materials from NSTS Malta, while having the opportunity to opt out from this consent by request in writing or electronically according to GDPR.

15.  Obligations: The promotional description documents and all commercial relations arising therefrom are deemed to be exe- cuted through the brand NSTS Malta of company registration C4425 of 220 St Paul Street, Valletta, VLT1217, Malta.